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Index - FAQ - Merchant Account/Gateway

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Credit card test numbers

Visa4007 0000 0002 7
4111 1111 1111 1111
MasterCard5454 5454 5454 5454
American Express3434 3434 3434 343
Discover6011 6011 6011 6611
JCB3088 0000 0000 0009
Diner's Club3000 0000 0000 04
ACH052000113 (routing number)
123123123 (account number)

Use any future expiration date. If you have setup your shopping cart to request the 3 or 4 digit verification numbers then enter "1234".

When these test card numbers are used you will receive an error message which will include one of the following:
The error will state a "decline", a "fraud" or it will ask for a "referral".

If you receive one of these errors you know that the Gateway is connected and working because it would not process your incorrect credit card number.

Note: You can also run a test with your own credit card, then void the transaction within your gateway.

For information on voiding a credit card charge, please contact your payment gateway.
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