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Secure Online Shopping Carts

Successful Online Shopping Carts Are Secure And They Show It.

Soon after online shopping became popular, one of the most persistent concerns that shoppers had was security. Would credit card information be secure? In fact making a purchase through an online shopping cart is probably more secure than most 'live' transactions.

Unfortunately, most people believe that their personal and financial information can be compromised when they make purchases online. The best way to deal with this is not to try to change their minds about the safety of your shopping cart software, but to demonstrate that on your web site their information is secure.

The best way to do this is to show that you have an SSL certificate from a reputable company such as Verisign. Whichever company processes your credit cards, you will be required to get an SSL certificate. This can be pricey but you will need it or they will not let you accept credit card information form your customers. Once you have purchased your SSL certificate, then you will be allowed to use the icon graphic of the company you purchased the certificate from.

Take advantage of this and put that icon on every page, especially the main page, of your web site. A lot of web sites with online shopping carts fail to do this. Since you had to pay for the SSL certificate, let people know about. They will feel confident that you care about their information and that it is secure

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